1 thing I can’t fix with Ayurveda!

I openly discuss my shortcomings and mistakes, so others can avoid those. Here is one of them .

I have seen Ayurveda therapies work very effectively for many people. However, when it comes to me, there is one mistake I am unable to fix with Ayurveda!

My hair started turning gray quite early, at an age of 19-20. Some hereditary factor too, but it was never explained that it was primarily due to my Pitta dominant body type.

Now a days, with the ‘body image movement’, there is a wide acceptance to gray hair. But in those days, it was seriously looked down upon; was quite a taboo at that time in India to have gray hair before 35-40 age!

So my first mistake is that I succumbed to that taboo and, did second mistake- I started coloring my hair with different hair coloring options. The strong chemicals in those artificial hair colors, made my thick, black hair worse in quality and more so, complete white in my twenties! 🧓.

When I turned back to Ayurveda a few years ago, I started trying different hair oils and herbs in a hope to reverse the graying. After many tries, I learnt that the damage done by harsh chemicals is hard to reverse.

Now that I have left my twenties behind a long time ago, I have started to embrace the grays. It’s been a positive change. Though I must admit, it’s an uncomfortable feeling at times to accept 10-15 years older look than what you are. After all, overcoming taboos is a work-in-progress.

One of our team member said to me last week, “people pay lot of money to have the white hair color which you have”. If that’s a real thing, looks like I saved some $$$! 😀


Menopause Musings


Oil: the Elixir