Natural treatments for Endo

It’s time we talked about it


  • Cause: Unknown

  • Cure: Not yet available

  • Symptoms: Real

That’s where Ayurveda may offer help and hope.

Ayurveda’s healing model is not just limited to biology and chemistry, but is based on our innate bodily intelligence, Life energy and Consciousness- the core of our function and existence.

March only offer: Save upto $200 on herbs- included with treatment plan |

March only offer: Save upto $200 on herbs- included with treatment plan |

Recommended Holistic Management Plan for Endo

  • Consultation

    A detailed Ayurvedic assessment to explore causative/ risk factors and formulate a treatment plan.
    Typical plan involves a personalized combination of 3-5 therapies and herbal remedies.

  • Healing Preparation

    As described by Dr Deepak Chopra, “treatments that open body’s healing channels” are included as part of treatment plan, only if necessary.

  • Marma Therapy

    Ancient Marma therapy is effective in managing symptoms and aid healing.

    In many cases, 2-3 Marma treatments offer significant relief from some symptoms.

  • Nabhi Puran

    Nabhi is home to body’s 72000 energy channels. Medicated oils to suit your unique endo journey is used.

    Generally 1-2 ponding treatments are advised.

  • Herbal Remedies

    Tailored, safe herbal formulas to manage symptoms or aid recovery are advised.
    Herbs cost (about $100-200) is included with treatment plan for Endo awareness month of March.

Endometriosis in Ayurveda

Endometriosis management is still evolving in modern medicine.
Diagnosis is mostly by invasive, expensive procedure. Pain management and operative excisions are generally adopted approaches in managing symptoms.

  • Ayurveda views Endometriosis as increase in systemic Kapha dosha in Rasa and Rakta dhatus (i.e. plasma and blood tissues).

    The treatment protocol is first to understand which dosha is pushing the Kapha in endometrium. Then manage the condition by herbal formulas that treat causative doshas, burn the cellular ama (toxins), cleanse the Rasavaha srotas (channels) and heal the reproductive tissue.

  • Natural treatments may be explored by those with laparoscopically diagnosed endometriosis or those experiencing symptoms.

    All that is necessary is your belief in alternate medicine.

  • Endo treatment aims to:

    1.Halt the spread

    2. Reduce pain & other symptoms

    3. Restore normal cycle

    4. Endeavor to eliminate root-cause; where directly related to doshic imbalance*.

    5. Help rejuvenate tissue for fertility (where possible)

    *Prima facie root cause for endo is regarded as doshic imbalance, however there may be other causes at the subtle levels.

  • It varies with your unique endo journey.

    Endometriosis, being stubborn condition, may need more patience and perseverance.

    A typical duration for a treatment plan will range between 4-6 weeks. Herbal protocol will typically continue for 3 months.

    As a rule of thumb, the complete treatment protocol will have to be followed at least for 3 months for the results^ to appear. However, duration of treatment may vary from person to person.

    Herbs for 3 months of treatment are included as part of treatment plan.

  • Treatment plan starts with initial consultation.

    Based on outcome of consultation, the practitioner will advise a sequence of Marma therapies and Nabhi Puran treatments.

    In some patients with high degree of toxins (ama) accumulation, a detox program and couple of healing treatments are recommended to facilitate opening of healing channels.

  • Treatment plan varies from person to person; some may require 1-2 treatments, some more.
    A typical treatment plan is as below.
    However, for Endo Awareness month of March, cost of herbs is not charged.

    One-off Consultation: $100
    Three Marma therapies (once a week) : $600 total
    Two Nabhi Puran therapies (once a week) : $200 total
    Herbs supply for 3 months: $200 total

    Total cost for March sign-ups: $900.
    The cost will reduce if relief is experienced with lesser treatments.

  • Therapies are non-invasive. They do not involve even a needle.

    Patients’ consistent feedback is they are very relaxing, nourishing and healing.

Some endo symptoms managed include

Pelvic pain

The main symptom of endometriosis is pelvic pain and may be often linked with menstrual periods. Endometriosis related pain is often described menstrual pain that's far worse than usual cramping. The pain also may become worse over time.

Ayurveda views pain as real but rejects the notion that its a new normal.

In addition to pain relief treatments, Rasayana (rejuvenation) treatment protocol is follwoed in some cases to strengthen the pain tolerence.

Painful periods,
excessive bleeding

Acknowledging its importance, Ayurveda identifies menstruation as a separate bodily channel- Artava vaha srota.

In ancient literature there are many recommendations about female reproductive health. The menstrual issues can be managed using traditional herbs, nutrition, lifestyle recommendations and Marma therapy where necessary.

Read how Marma Therapy is useful in treating such problems here.


For some people, endometriosis is first found during tests for infertility treatment.

Fertility and infertility are directly related to seventh tissue and the treatments aim at improving the quality of that tissue with herbs and dietary changes.

The body needs to be cleansed of toxins prior to treatment, which is done by many bodywork therapies for body & mind and then therapies like Perineal steaming can be used.

Pain during
natural acts and urges

Pain during intercourse is common symptom. Ayurveda may offer some options to alleviate such pain.

Pain may be experienced during bowel movements and urination. Some herbs may be incorporated as part of treatment plan if you are experiencing these issues or bloating/constipation/diarrhea.


It is quite normal to feel tired while experiencing always some pain somewhere.

Ayurveda therapies help reduce muscle fatigue, nourish tissues and relax mind- which may help to reduce fatigue.

Feeling low

It’s quite common symptoms, especially with those experiencing pain often. It’s okay to give yourself permission to feel little down at times and you should not feel guilty about it.

Ayurveda offers safe herbal formulas and signature Shirodhara as effective treatments.

  • womens health Ayurveda newcastle

    Women's Health Case Studies

    Case studies of some treatments and therapies

  • Evidence for Ayurveda

    Some useful research for treatments and herbs.

  • Ayusha Ayurveda clinic newcastle

    Why Ayurveda?

    Some reasons explaining why use 100% natural Ayurveda remedies.

  • Ayurveda Newcastle

    How Ayurveda Works?

    A brief description about basis in Ayurveda- doshas, dhatus etc.

  • Ayurveda Newcastle central coast

    Cleansing Routines

    DIY routines for cleansing and detoxing the body.

Important Information

Patients should continue their usual medication and not discontinue any medications or other treatments they are having for these conditions. We will coordinate with your GP or Specialist if required re complimenting Ayurveda treatment with your existing treatment plan.

^Results may vary from person to person. More treatments may be required.

^Results depend upon shared responsibility between the patient and practitioner.

^No guarantees of cure of endometriosis are given, promised or intended.